TXT’s Soobin Shares How He Played The Best Prank On ENHYPEN During “Music Bank”

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ENHYPEN is the newest group to the Big Hit Entertainment family, and it seems that they’re already receiving love from one of their company seniors, TXT‘s Soobin


During a recent live broadcast, a fan asked Soobin if he saw ENHYPEN at Music Bank, which is a show that Soobin MCs.

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Soobin shared that he did see ENHYPEN and that they were extremely nervous, as the members were shaking in a huddle. Soobin thought that they were adorable and decided to pull a small prank on them.

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At the rehearsal, the ENHYPEN members asked Soobin if they were doing a rehearsal or if they were on a live broadcast. Soobin joked and told him that they were on a live broadcast.

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However, Soobin got worried that ENHYPEN would panic and feel scared, so he immediately told them that he was joking and that it was a rehearsal.

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Here’s the full video below!


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