BTS’s Upcoming Offline Concert In October To Be Cancelled

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It’s a sad day for ARMYs – BTS‘s offline concert that had been planned for October has been officially cancelled. Previously, it was announced that the plans for the concert would be reconfirmed at a later date. On 25 September 2020, BigHit Entertainment confirmed that the offline plans for the concert would be scrapped.


We had plans for an offline concert, despite not being able to open many spots for concertgoers due to the coronavirus. We had been preparing for it in order to strictly follow the preventative measures due to the pandemic, in order to create a safe environment for fans and the artists. However, due to the increased levels of social distancing of late that prevents gatherings and events, there have been no guidelines apart from this that can allow us to have an offline concert.

— BigHit Entertainment

Variety Hitmakers Brunch| Variety

Instead of an offline concert, there would be an online concert via live stream instead. The company seeks the understanding of fans in this.

Hence, we plan on having only an online concert without an offline one. We are sorry to the fans that have been anticipating an offline concert. We seek your understanding in this.

— BigHit Entertainment

Although ARMYs may be disappointed, they can always still tune in to the live stream!

The full statement translated can be read below.

Hello. This is BigHit Entertainment. We will be advising regarding the offline concert, BTS MAP OF THE SOUL ON:E.

We had plans for an offline concert, despite not being able to open many spots for concertgoers due to the coronavirus. We had been preparing for it in order to strictly follow the preventative measures due to the pandemic, in order to create a safe environment for fans and the artists. However, due to the increased levels of social distancing of late that prevents gatherings and events, there have been no guidelines apart from this that can allow us to have an offline concert.

Hence, we plan on having only an online concert without an offline one. We are sorry to the fans that have been anticipating an offline concert. We seek your understanding in this.

Please show the online streaming concert, BTS MAP OF THE SOUL ON:E lots of attention.

Thank you

— BigHit Entertainment


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