BTS’s Jin Reveals Something “Mysterious” About His Skin
BTS‘s Jin recently held a live broadcast to celebrate his birthday, and during it, a fan asked him, “Jin, what’s on your neck?“.
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Jin was initially confused by the question but then realized that the fan was likely talking about the red spot on his neck.
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Jin then explained that he’s had these red spots on his body ever since he was little. Even when Jin washes his face, he often gets these red spots.
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A lot of these red spots appear on Jin’s neck, and he usually has to get them covered up with makeup when he goes on broadcasts.
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However, recently Jin hasn’t been getting them covered up, as he doesn’t want to bother the makeup artists too much.
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Jin concluded by stating that he doesn’t know why he gets these red spots all over his body. However, Jin does believe that his sensitive skin could have something to do with it.
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