TXT Didn’t Expect To Run Into BTS’s “Jungkook Hyung” On Their Jeju Trip

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To film for their first photobook H:OUR The Second Photobook, TXT went to one of the most beautiful places in South Korea: Jeju Island.

txt hour 2nd photobook taehyun yeonjun hueningkai| @TXT_jjuggum/Twitter

While slowly checking off all the activities they wanted to do and places they wanted to go, what they didn’t expect was to run into BTS‘s “Jungkook hyung.”

bts jungkook

To cover more ground and use their time wisely, TXT split into two separate teams for their adventures. Soobin, Hueningkai, and Taehyun were one team and began to make their way to a gift shop to pick up some souvenirs. Making the others curious, Taehyun suddenly stopped walking and stared at a wall.

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There, in the cluster of photos, was a particular photo of someone they were all too familiar with. Hueningkai held up a hand to show the picture of Jungkook none of them had been expecting to find.

txt hour 2nd photobook hueningkai bts jungkook

After laughing about how they’d ironically run into Jungkook and calling him “hyung,” Hueningkai came to the conclusion it had been from Jungkook’s appearance on a segment. “I guess he was on this TV show.

It came from the variety show Flower Crew back in 2016, which had caused some discomfort from fans at the time. Seeing how excited and pleasantly surprised they were to find the photo, fans will now have a better memory of it thanks to TXT. “We ran into Jungkook unexpectedly.

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See Hueningkai, Soobin, and Taehyun’s joy over finding Jungkook on their trip all the way to Jeju Island and calling him by the name that’s melting everyone’s hearts.


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