TWICE Tzuyu’s Famous Pet Dog Gucci Has Passed Away

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TWICE Tzuyu‘s pomeranian Gucci has sadly passed away.

In a post made on TWICE’s official Instagram account today, Tzuyu announced the sad news to ONCE around the world in both Korean and Chinese.

원래 입양하려고 오늘 애들 보러가기로 했는데 구찌가 어제 오후에 우리를 떠났어요 구찌 우리에게 좋은추억들을 남겨줘서 고마워.더 좋은데 가서 잘 있어야 해!우린 여기에 기도 하고 있을게. 本來打算要去領養一對母女 9/24去看她們 你卻在昨日離開了我們的家庭 我們的寶貝酷吉 你真的走了 每次回家都會很珍惜跟你相處 好好摸摸你親你 因為不知道什麼時候再見 也不知道能不能再見 尤其每年能回家看你的次數不多 沒見你幾次你已經快滿十一年了 知道你的健康也慢慢變得不好 聽到你離開了 心裡真的很傷心難過 你是一隻溫柔體貼可愛帥氣聰明善良的狗狗 有著獨特的性格魅力 會在旁邊默默的觀察 跟著我們開心難過 好幸運有你的陪伴 謝謝你酷吉 陪伴我們這麼多年 你對我們來說已經是家人了 我們會想念你 記得你掛著鈴鐺走路時噹噹噹的聲音 還有你的叫聲 跟你圓滾滾的漂亮大眼睛 希望你到另一個世界能快樂 酷吉我們愛你 祈禱你到更好的地方去

A post shared by TWICE (@twicetagram) on Sep 23, 2020 at 2:46am PDT

Originally, I was going to go see [some dogs] today to adopt them, but Gucci left our side yesterday afternoon.


Thank you for leaving us with good memories. Now, you need to go and stay at a better place. We will pray for you from here.

— Tzuyu (Korean)


Originally, I was planning to adopt a mommy and daughter pair of dogs, and I was going to see them on September 24. But you left our side yesterday. Our baby Gucci…

You really left us. Every time I would go home, I cherished the time I had with you. I would pet you and kiss you, because I never knew when the next time I would be able to see you again, and if I even could see you again, especially because I can’t go home often to see you during the year. Even though I couldn’t see you much, you already turned 11 years old. I knew your health was slowly declining. I was heartbroken to hear you left our side.

You were a dog who was warm, considerate, cute, handsome, smart, and nice. You had that unique charm in your personality and as you quietly watched around us, you spent both happy and sad times with us.

I’m so glad that you were with me. Thank you, Gucci, for being with us for so many years. To us, you’re family. We will miss you. I’ll remember the sound of you walking around, wearing your bell, the sound of your barks, and your pretty, big, round eyes.

I hope you will be happy in another world. We love you Gucci, and will pray for you to be in a better place.

— Tzuyu (Chinese)

Gucci has been with Tzuyu since she was 10 years old, and made frequent appearances on TWICE’s social media alongside Tzuyu.

predubt tzuyu

TWICE fans even went to Tzuyu’s mother’s cafe, just to get a glimpse of Gucci and Gucci’s merchandise.


Tzuyu loved her so much, that she even designed this hat with his face on it to wear while she was traveling for TWICE’s promotions, or in Korea.


Losing a pet is just like losing a family member. May Gucci rest in peace, and our prayers to Tzuyu and her family during these difficult times.


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