The 10 Unluckiest Idols In 2024 According to Japanese Fortune

Is your favorite idol on this list?

A recent viral post about Japanese fortune-telling has stirred excitement and nervousness among people with specific birthdays. The calendar has predicted August 19 as the unluckiest birthday for the year 2024. The alleged prediction casts a shadow over several K-Pop idols who share this date, hinting at potential challenges they may face in the upcoming year.

| @yakurefu/Twitter

1. Cosmic Girls’ Bona

Bona may experience a year of growth through adversity. Her talent and determination will play a significant role in navigating any setbacks.

2. VIVIZ’s Umji

Umji is likely to experience a year filled with challenges. Her youthful spirit and creativity will aid her in navigating through any difficulties.

3. Former GFriend’s Yerin

Yerin might encounter a challenging year where her adaptability and perseverance will be tested.

4. SHINHWA’s Junjin

As a veteran in the K-pop scene, Junjin may face some challenges this year. His experience and resilience will be key in navigating any unforeseen obstacles.

5. VIVA’s Gayeon

This year might bring some hurdles for Gayeon. Her perseverance and creativity will be crucial in overcoming these challenges.

6. Road Boyz’s MACA

MACA could encounter professional or personal trials in 2024. His determination and adaptability will be essential in facing these difficulties.


CHEEZE might find this year testing her resolve and artistic endeavors. Her ability to innovate will be vital in turning challenges into opportunities.

8. GOOD DAY’s Heejin

Heejin could face unexpected challenges this year, requiring her to draw on her strengths and resilience to overcome them.

9. LABOUM’s Solbin

This year could be a testing period for Solbin, demanding resilience and a positive attitude to turn potential obstacles into growth opportunities.

10. Rose Finger’s Segye

Segye may face hurdles in both her group activities and individual endeavors. Her innovative aproach and energy will be key to her success.

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