Min Hee Jin Allegedly Planned On Using NewJeans In HYBE Betrayal

ADOR’s CEO has been asked to step down.

This article is part of our coverage of HYBE vs. ADOR CEO Min Hee Jin. You can read more and view the entire timeline here.

Min Hee Jin reportedly planned on using NewJeans to make HYBE relinquish equity in the company.

min hee jin
Min Hee Jin | Pinterest 

On April 22, news broke out that ADOR‘s CEO Min Hee Jin had been asked to step down. The CEO’s fallout with HYBE reportedly stems from a power struggle, as reports claimed that HYBE had found evidence that Min Hee Jin had tried to break away from HYBE’s umbrella.

Min Hee Jin’s Ador Reportedly Caught Trying To Leave HYBE

As more details emerge, Hankyung News‘s Market Insight reported that one insider claimed that Min Hee Jin had planned on leveraging her relationship with NewJeans to force HYBE into relinquishing equity in the company.

Rumors circulated claiming that CEO Min Hee Jin was looking for investors to break away from HYBE. I believe she was planning on using her inseparable relationship with NewJeans to make HYBE sell their executive shares to her.

— Business Insider

The news comes as Min Hee Jin faces widespread backlash over her failed coup. You can read more about netizens’ reactions in the link below.

Netizens React To HYBE And Min Hee Jin’s Fallout

Source: market insight

HYBE vs. ADOR CEO Min Hee Jin

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